Get Yourself And Get Others To Get You
If you had to pick between these two statements to describe your past self – which one would you say fits the bill better?
I've been romantic and imaginative.
I've been pragmatic and down to earth.
I have tended to take on confrontations. 
I have tended to avoid confrontations.
I have typically been diplomatic, charming, and ambitious. 
I have typically been direct, formal, and idealistic.
I have tended to be focused and intense. 
I have tended to be spontaneous and fun-loving
I have been a hospitable person and have enjoyed welcoming new friends into my life.
I have been a private person and have not mixed much with others.
Generally, it's been easy to "get a rise" out of me.
Generally, it's been difficult to "get a rise" out of me.
I've been more of a "street-smart" survivor.
I've been more of a "high minded" idealist.
I have needed to show affection to people.
I have preferred to maintain a certain distance with people.
When presented with a new experience, I've usually asked myself if It would be useful to me.
When presented with a new experience, I've usually asked myself if It would be enjoyable.
I have tended to focus too much on myself.
I have tended to focus too much others.
Others have depended on my insight and knowledge.
Others have depended on my strength and decisiveness.
I have come across as being too unsure of myself.
I have come across as being too sure of myself.
I have been more relationship-oriented than goal-oriented.
I have been more goal-oriented than relationship-oriented.
I have not been able to speak up for myself very well.
I have been outspoken-I've said what others wished they had the nerve to say.
It's been difficult for me to stop considering alternatives and do something definite.
It's been difficult for me to take it easy and be more flexible.
I have tended to be hesitant and procrastinating.
I have tended to be bold and domineering.
My reluctance to get too involved has gotten me into trouble with people.
My eagerness to have people depend on me has gotten me into trouble with them.
Usually, I have been able to put my feelings aside to get the job done.
Usually, I have needed to work through my feelings before I could act.
Generally, I have been methodical and cautious.
Generally, I have been adventurous and taken risks.
I have tended to be a supportive, giving person who enjoys the company of others.
I have tended to be a serious, reserved person who likes discussing issues.
I've often felt the need to be a "pillar of strength."
I've often felt the need to perform perfectly.
I’ve typically been interested in asking tough questions and maintaining my independence.
I’ve typically been interested in maintaining my stability and peace of mind.
I've been a bit cynical and skeptical.
I've been mushy and sentimental.
I've often worried that I'm missing out on something better.
I've often worried that If I let down my guard, someone will take advantage of me.
My habit of being "stand-offish" has annoyed people.
My habit of telling people what to do has annoyed people.
Usually, when troubles have gotten to me, I have been able to "tune them out."
Usually, when troubles have gotten to me, I have treated myself to something I've enjoyed.
I have depended upon my friends and they have known that they can depend on me.
I have not depended on people; I have done things on my own.
I have tended to be detached and preoccupied.
I have tended to be moody and self-absorbed
I have liked to challenge people and "shake them up."
I have liked to comfort people and calm them down.
I have generally been an outgoing, sociable person.
I have generally been an earnest, self-disciplined person.
I've usually been shy about showing my abilities.
I've usually liked to let people know what I can do well.
Pursuing my personal interests has been more important to me than having comfort and security.
Having comfort and security has been more important to me than pursuing my personal interests.
When I've had conflict with others, I've tended to withdraw.
When I've had conflict with others, I've rarely backed down.
I have given in too easily and let others push me around.
I have been too uncompromising and demanding with others.
I've been appreciated for my unsinkable spirit and a great sense of humor.
I've been appreciated for my quiet strength and exceptional generosity.
Much of my success has been due to my talent for making a favorable impression.
Much of my success has been achieved despite my lack of interest in developing "interpersonal skills."

Does It Sound Like You?

Click the "That's me" Button to reveal your manual.

A Perfectionist: I strive for excellence, and I'm often seen as principled and meticulous in my approach to life That's me

A Helper: I'm a compassionate soul, always ready to assist others, even if it means putting my needs second That's me 

An Achiever: Success is my driving force, and I'm goal-oriented, always aiming to be the best in my endeavors That's me

An Individualist: I embrace my uniqueness and creativity, constantly exploring my complex emotions and identity That's me

An Investigator: I'm naturally curious and analytical, driven by a thirst for knowledge and understanding That's me

A Loyalist: Trustworthiness is my virtue, and I seek security by preparing for any potential challenges or crises That's me

An Enthusiast: Adventure and fun are my constant companions, as I seek new experiences and avoid pain whenever possible That's me

A Challenger: I'm strong-willed and assertive, always seeking control and authority in my pursuits That's me

A Peacemaker: I'm easygoing and conflict-avoidant, striving for harmony and peace in all my relationships That's me

Type One(AKA The Perfectionist)

Super Powers


Conscientious | Orderly | Appropriate | Ethical

 My Needs

You are good

 My Wants

Having integrity, being good, balanced, accurate, virtuous, and right



 My Fears

Being wrong, bad, evil, inappropriate, unredeemable, or corruptible

 My Weaknesses

Terrified of making a mistake, causing continual frustration and dissatisfaction



Committed, high integrity, balanced and responsible, patient with the process, forgives easily


Dissatisfied, idealistic, feels responsible to improve everything, explains to others the “right” way


Self-righteous, stubborn, intolerant, talks in absolutes, judgmental, black + white, rationalizes own behavior


 My Best Qualities

Ethical • Reliable • Productive • Wise • Idealistic Conscientious • Orderly • Self-Disciplined

 Qualities To Work On

Judgmental • Inflexible • Dogmatic • Critical of Others • Uptight • Controlling • Anxious Jealous

 Growth Path

Realize that doing their best is all that is required. Is OK to make mistakes.

 Show Me Love

Be incredibly gentle when delivering criticism

 Get The Best Of Me

• Make sure you take your share of the responsibilities, so I don’t have to end up with all the work.

• I’m very hard on myself so reassure me often and tell me that I am doing good.

• Tell me when you value my advice.

• Be as fair and considerate as I am.

• First listen to my worries or concerns, then help me lighten up by having fun.

At Work

 My Best

Stressful situations can cause negative feelings but they are also a time to improve oneself. Focus on the positive and encourage others.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where rewards are doled out fairly.

• Be OK with good enough.

• Watch out for procrastination until perfection

 People that Resemble My Personality

Michelle Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, and Eleanor Roosevelt

Type Two(AKA The Helper)

Super Powers


Thoughtful | Generous | Demonstrative

 My Needs

You are wanted and loved

 My Wants

Being appreciated, loved, and wanted


People-Pleasing | Possessive

 My Fears

Being rejected and unwanted, being thought worthless, needy, or unworthy of love

 My Weaknesses

Denying your own needs and emotions to focus on the emotions and needs of others first



Puts on own oxygen mask first, generous but with
boundaries, adapts well to changing circumstances


Unable to express needs, unable to say no or create boundaries, people-pleasing


Codependent in relationships, insecure, manipulative, “strings attached” generosity, self-neglecting


 My Best Qualities

Loving • Compassionate • Nurturing • Generous Supportive • Hospitable • Tuned In To How People Feel

 Qualities To Work On

Intrusive • Martyr-like • Indirect • Manipulative Possessive • Flatterer • Needy
Overly Accommodating

 Growth Path

Taking care of themselves before caring for others

 Show Me Love

The best way to love a Two is to help them love themselves

 Get The Best Of Me

• Tell me specifically what you appreciate about me.

• Take a real interest in my problems, even though I will try to focus the attention back onto you.

• Please let me know that I am special and important to you.

• If you need to point out something negative, please be gentle and tell me a few affirming things as well. I can be very sensitive to criticism.

At Work

 My Best

Make sure that you have enough time to do the things you need to do for yourself. Set aside time each day to focus on your own personal tasks.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where interpersonal sharing is valued

• Remember to set boundaries

• Watch out for gossip

 People that Resemble My Personality

Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, and Jimmy Carter

Type Three(AKA The Achiever)

Super Powers


Efficient | Accomplished | Motivating | Driven

 My Needs

You are loved for simply being you

 My Wants

To have high status, admiration, success, valued and respected by others



 My Fears

Being a failure, inefficient, unproductive, worthless or unable to appear successful

 My Weaknesses

Concerned with how they are perceived. Feels pressure to meet others’ expectations of them



Allows themselves to be truly known, self-worth is not tied to goals, finds balance between work, rest, + play


Overachieving, becomes a workaholic, tries to earn love from others, worries about disappointing others


Unable to admit mistakes, desperate for attention, exaggerates stories, petty & vengeful


 My Best Qualities

Self-Affirming • Industrious • Efficient • Self-Propelled • Energetic • Goal-Orienting Team Builder

 Qualities To Work On

Self-Promoting • Pretentious • Vain • Superficial Exploitative • Overly Competitive • Workaholic

 Growth Path

Peace and rest will come when you disconnect outward success with your value as a human being

 Show Me Love

Vocalize your love for them and discourage constructed personas

 Get The Best Of Me

• Tell me that you like being around me.

• Tell me how proud you are of me and my accomplishments.

• Please don’t interrupt me while I am working.

• Give me honest but not unduly critical or judgmental feedback.

• Help me to keep my surroundings harmonious and peaceful.

At Work

 My Best

When under stress, they can become disinterested. Focus on what you can do to help the team and not only your own advancement.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where success is recognized

• Remember to celebrate your wins

• Watch out for workaholism

 People that Resemble My Personality

Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, and Lance Armstrong

Type Four(AKA The Individualist)

Super Powers


Authentic | Creative | Expressive | Deep

 My Needs

You are seen and loved for exactly who you are special and unique.

 My Wants

Being unique, special, and authentic


Dramatic | Self-Absorbed | Temperamental

 My Fears

Being inadequate, emotionally cut off, plain, mundane, defective, flawed, or insignificant

 My Weaknesses

Feel like others possess qualities you lack. Hates being misunderstood.



Able to manage emotional range, deeply creative and emotionally honest, connected to others


Struggles with accepting self, exaggerates uniqueness, coy, “hard to get”, moody, melodramatic


Manipulative, plays the victim, feels lack, drowns in shame, unable to connect or change for better


 My Best Qualities

Authentic • Compassionate • Introspective • Expressive • Creative • Supportive • Refined

 Qualities To Work On

Withdrawn • Exaggerated Moods • Depressed Self-Pitying • Moralistic • Self-Absorbed • Possessive

 Growth Path

You are not too much, and it’s okay to feel misunderstood

 Show Me Love

In discussions, be intentional to listen. You don’t need to match their mood, just be authentic

 Get The Best Of Me

• Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a great deal to me.

• Be supportive of me by helping me to love myself and see my significant value.

• Respect my unique abilities in having good intuition and vision.

• Please realize that I may not want to be cheered up when I am melancholy.

• Don’t tell me that I’m too sensitive or overreacting!

At Work

 My Best

When you feel stressed, take a look at your workload and make sure you haven’t signed up for too much.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where you can express individuality.

• Remember to create rituals to stay on track.

• Watch out for drama, drama, drama

 People that Resemble My Personality

Alanis Morrisette, Frida Kahlo, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin

Type Five(AKA The Investigator)

Super Powers


Perceptive | Insightful | Intelligent

 My Needs

Your needs are not a problem

 My Wants

Being capable and competent


Secretive | Isolated

 My Fears

Being annihilated, invaded, or not existing; being thought incapable or ignorant

 My Weaknesses

Withholding yourself and your resources from the rest of world



Long-term perspective, engaging, willing to share, abundance mentality, connected to body


Scarcity mentality, rather observe than participate, substitutes thoughts for feelings, feels incompetent


Doesn’t want to depend on others, stays separate, defensive, too independent, private, scarcity mindset


 My Best Qualities

Analytical • Persevering • Sensitive • Wise Objective • Perceptive • Curious

 Qualities To Work On

Intellectually Arrogant • Stingy • Stubborn Distant • Critical of Others • Unassertive Cynical

 Growth Path

You are brave for showing up despite your fears and preferred state of isolation

 Show Me Love

They need space to process and desire conflict to be minimal and straightforward

 Get The Best Of Me

• Be independent and not clingy.

• Speak in a brief and straightforward manner.

• I need a lot of alone time to process my feelings and thoughts.

• I don’t like surprises, intrusions on my privacy, too many emotions, needy people, and obligations.

At Work

 My Best

If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, focus on simple steps you can take instead of trying to solve every problem or find every unknown.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where there are minimal interruptions

• Remember to set a time limit for research

• Watch out and don’t isolate from the team

 People that Resemble My Personality

Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Diane Sawyer

Type Six(AKA The Loyalist)

Super Powers


Committed | Responsible | Faithful

 My Needs

You are safe

 My Wants

Having security, guidance, and support


Anxious | Suspicious

 My Fears

Being without support, security, or guidance; being blamed, alone, or physically abandoned

 My Weaknesses

Scanning life and trying to predict and prevent negative outcomes creating a state of worry



Trusts own experiences, faith that things will work out, considers best for everyone, honest, reliable


Questioning, worst case scenario, focused on authority, committed to a group, sees world as unsafe


Sees danger everywhere, overly anxious and paranoid, untrusting, patterns of projection, indecisive


 My Best Qualities

Loyal • Likable • Prepared • Trustworthy Compassionate • Witty • Practical • Responsible

 Qualities To Work On

Hyper-vigilant • Dependent • Unpredictable Judgmental • Paranoid • Defensive Self-Defeating • Self-Doubting

 Growth Path

The world is made up of mostly good and honest people, and they desire to connect with you.

 Show Me Love

Remind them of your commitment and encourage them to trust their own experiences

 Get The Best Of Me

• Be direct and clear with me nut also listen to me carefully.

• Please don’t judge me for my anxiety.

• Reassure me that everything is going to be OK. Laugh and make jokes with me.

• Tell me and show me that you support me.

• Acknowledge that I am loyal, responsible, and supportive.

At Work

 My Best

The key is to focus on the support that you have from your team, not on competition. Use that support to your advantage.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where there are clear responsibilities

• Remember to set a time limit for your “what if” Qs

• Watch out for indecisiveness

 People that Resemble My Personality

George H.W. Bush, Tom Hanks, and Ellen DeGeneres

Type Seven(AKA The Enthusiast)

Super Powers


Playful | Excitable | Versatile

 My Needs

You will be taken care of

 My Wants

Being happy, fully satisfied, and content


Acquisitive | Scattered

 My Fears

Being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited, or bored; missing out on something fun

 My Weaknesses

Feeling emptiness inside and to "fill yourself up" with experiences and stimulation to feel complete



“Less is more”, understands that joy is received, spiritually grounded, embraces full range of emotions


Reframes circumstances, finds happiness in anticipation, entertains group, uncommitting


Sees themselves and environment as inadequate, feels things are unfair, avoids pain at all cost, reckless, risky


 My Best Qualities

Fun-Loving • Spontaneous • Imaginative Productive • Enthusiastic • Quick • Confident Charming

 Qualities To Work On

Self-Focused • Impulsive • Escapist • Rebellious Distracted • Superficial • Manic • Self-Destructive

 Growth Path

Pay attention to who you’re with and what you’re doing.

 Show Me Love

Sevens don’t do well with co-dependence and can feel trapped by the needs and expectations of others.

 Get The Best Of Me

• Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.

• Accept me the way I am, be enthusiastic with me. • Listen to my stories and grand visions.

• Laugh and make jokes with me.

• I don’t like to be told what to do or to be restricted.

At Work

 My Best

Don’t focus on the things you don’t have or haven’t achieved. Instead, pay attention to the positives of your project.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine in flexible and fun environments
• Remember to finish what you start
• Watch out for impulsive and undisciplined schedules

 People that Resemble My Personality

Jim Carey, Iggy Pop, and Amadeus Mozart

Type Eight(AKA The Challenger)

Super Powers


Assertive | Self-confident | Intense | Big-hearted

 My Needs

You will not be betrayed

 My Wants

Protecting yourself and those in your inner circle


Willful | Confrontational

 My Fears

Being weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable, and left at the mercy of injustice

 My Weaknesses

Desiring intensity, control, and power; pushing yourself on life and people to get what you desire



Great friend, excellent leader, champion of the underdog, uses power for good, able to collaborate


Steamroller instead of diplomat, struggles to follow, little patience, uses aggression to protect emotions


Preoccupied with betrayal, suspicious, revengeful, creates own reality, destructive, burns bridges


 My Best Qualities

Compassionate • Inspiring • Resilient • Loyal Energetic • Empowering • Protective • Self-Confident

 Qualities To Work On

Loud • Vengeful • Excessive • Controlling Rebellious • Insensitive • Domineering Self-Centered

 Growth Path

Listen and observe others before reacting, and include others when making decisions

 Show Me Love

Eights value honesty and straightforward communication (don’t beat around the bush)

 Get The Best Of Me

• Stand up for yourself and for me.

• Be confident, strong, and direct.

• Notice that I am tender and have a vulnerable side behind my strong exterior.

• Acknowledge the contributions that I make a but don’t flatter me.

• I often speak in a direct and assertive way. Don’t automatically assume it is a personal attack against you.

At Work

 My Best

Take the lead on big initiatives that no one else wants to do. When under stress, focus on your team and what they need.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine where there’s high risk, high impact

• Remember to delegate and trust

• Watch out and don’t boss others around

 People that Resemble My Personality

Winston Churchill, John Wayne, and Donald Trump

Type Nine(AKA The Peacemaker)

Super Powers


Thoughtful | Reassuring | Receptive

 My Needs

Your presence matters

 My Wants

Having inner stability and peace of mind



 My Fears

Being in conflict, tension, or discord; feeling shut out and overlooked; losing connection with others

 My Weaknesses

Remaining in an unrealistic and idealistic world in order to keep the peace, remain easy-going



Natural mediators, sees & values others’ perspectives, able to prioritize, unselfish, flexible, inclusive


Stubborn, unaware of anger, feels unimportant, self-neglecting, stands up for others but not self


Trouble making decisions, too dependent, numbing behavior, struggles to maintain illusion of harmony


 My Best Qualities

Pleasant • Peaceful • Generous • Patient Accepting • Diplomatic • Open-Minded Empathetic

 Qualities To Work On

Spaced-Out • Forgetful • Stubborn • Obsessive Resigned • Passive-Aggressive • Judgmental Unassertive

 Growth Path

Your voice matters, and once you find it, your relationships will know no bounds

 Show Me Love

Nines need affirmation when they are honest, so celebrate the moments they speak up for themselves

 Get The Best Of Me

• Be patient with me and don’t rush me.

• Tell me that my presence matters.

• Listen to me until I am finished talking.

• I enjoy discussions but dislike confrontations

• I tend to focus on others so take the time to really focus in on me.

At Work

 My Best

When under stress, don’t feel like you have to tackle the problems head-on. Instead, focus on the situation as a potential growth opportunity.

 Productivity Tips

• You shine in predictable with low tension places

• Remember to prioritize tasks

• Watch out and don’t hold back opinions

 People that Resemble My Personality

Abraham Lincoln, Mister Rogers, and Princess Grace

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*Short personality quizzes suchas the RHETI Sampler cannot guarantee that your basic personality type will be indicated, although your type will most likely be one of the top three scores in this free quiz. These 36 questions are only a part of the full, independently scientifically validated 144-question RHETI personality test. This fun personality test is not scientifically validated. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the results of the personality analysis produced by this short personality quiz - only that it can help you begin your journey of self-discovery. Content and Layout Copyright The Enneagram Institute, 2001.